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Anime Girl Blonde Hair Blue Eyes Hoodie

Anime Girl Blonde Hair Blue Eyes Hoodie

Kon ( ( こん ) , , Kon ? ) is a kitsune who formerly worked under Yoko Inari.


Kon has the appearance of a young girl. She has long, blonde pilus, which are tied into pigtails. She has bluish eyes and wears fingerless gloves.

She wears a white hoodie with ears that muffle her big pull a fast one on ears. On the sleeves is a black stripe, and the messages 'FO' are stitched on the hoodie. On the left side of her hood are two hairclips; one pink normal shape, one in the shape of an ice cream cone with blue water ice cream and sprinkles. On the back of her hoodie is a print of some sort of animal.

She wears black leggings with pink stripes and white sneakers. In the anime she also wears a pair of grey shorts over her leggings.


While seeming emotionless at first, Kon does her all-time to please her superior lady, Inari, who she perceives as a mother. She gets extremely mad at those who insult Inari.

She is non very intelligent or emotionally stable. Considering she wants to be a "good girl" more than than anything else, she will do anything to fulfill that office. If annihilation happens that she believes will foreclose her from fulfilling that role, she becomes disoriented and goes into a blind rage.

In truth, Kon is a deeply abused daughter, having spent years under Inari's manipulation and indoctronation has fabricated her emotionally dependant on Inari's praise every bit a means to testify her worth and becomes visibly distressed with Inari shows no interest whatsoever in her. Thus her outwards display of aggressivity and problematic behaviour are thus rooted in the demand to earn Inari's approving. This is also seen as she slowly develops feelings for Kabane and lashed violently when he praised Aya, believing she was stealing her identify as Kabane's "number i", feeling at a loss and so left crying, which evidences Kon's severely warped view of relationships based on Inari'due south exploitation.

All the same, Kon is a adept person at heart and felt truly remorseful for having attacked Aya and injuring Kabane in the procedure. Because of her preparation, she has difficulties in realizing what her feelings truly are, not knowing what the "pain in her chest" meant, and even believing information technology was a sickness, unaware of the idea of jealousy.

As she warms upwardly to Kabane and gets herself more involved with his group, she slowly turns away from Inari's influence and fifty-fifty begins to feel conflicted about the thought of carrying out her orders. It is after revealed that Kon had her memories changed by Inari in order to brand her a subservient tool. Upon awakening to her true memories, Kon feels nothing simply profound scorn towards Inari for destroying her loved ones and toying with her.

Kon tends to speak in tertiary person.

Powers & Abilities

Kon is a kitsune and posses the standard abilities of the species:

  • Superhuman forcefulness: Kon is stiff enough to cut someone's caput off. [2]
  • Illusion cosmos: Kon can create illusions to confuse her enemies.
    • Illusionary Surroundings: Kon tin can create illusions that can alter the appearance of the environment surrounding her. [ii]
  • Pyrokinesis: As a kitsune, Kon has the ability to create and control flames. She uses flames to attack her enemies. [2]

Kon disguises as Kabane.

  • Shapeshifting: Kon tin can shift between her human form and her Kemono form. She can partially transform parts of her body into that of her kitsune grade. [two] Her transformation ability seems to be somewhat flawed as she is unable to conceal her fob ears in human form. She can also use it to disguise herself to impersonate or disguise as some other person.


Kabane Kusaka

Kon was sent to hide Kabane's head in a case and sneak abroad but was apprehended by Shiki and Akira. She was defeated in the battle. She was sent once more to capture the life calcalus from Kabane. This failed equally she had presented Yoko with a necklace that was under an illusion placed by Inugami. Afterwards, she was ignored by Yoko and went to a nearby park. Kabane stumbles upon her and the both fights. He fabricated a promise to her that he will come up dorsum after he drops off food, but was sent on a mission to the Bug Seize with teeth Electronics to bargain with three mosquito kemonos. Kabane came back to the park after remembering his hope a few days subsequently. She was happy that he came back to her and wanted to share the fish she caught with him.

Kon eventually developed feelings for Kabane, every bit this was evidently seen when Aya approaches Kabane and asks him to be her fellow. Kon increasingly became jealous of Aya and gets upset easily. This jealousy continues when Kabane trains with Princess Iyo Yashima. Kon also came to figure that she wants Kabane to be the nearly important to her, even exceeding that of trying to be the skilful daughter for Inari.

Yoko Inari

Kon views Inari every bit a mother and idolizes her. She wants her attention and approval, and will do anything to become information technology. Kon even goes every bit far to betray Kabane (despite not wanting to) all considering Nobimaru told her it would make Inari happy. Kon is extremely obedient to the kitsune, only has started to slowly prioritize Kabane over Inari.

Aya Tademaru

She often competes with Aya for Kabane'due south attention. Aya helped save her life using her thread to heal her body when the bomb Nobimaru planted had gone off.


He killed her after she had failed the task Inari had given her. He actually cared for her and didn't want her nether Yoko's command. If she was dead, it would costless her from information technology. This also plays a major role in the bargain that Kabane had made, to add Nobimaru to his lists of friends.


Manga Appearances

Chapters in guild of appearance

Anime Appearances

Episodes in order of appearance


  • Kon's favorite food is ice cream, fish and fruit. [ane]
  • Kon's least favorite food is pepper. [ane]
  • She is non against being on full display. [3]
  • She likes udon since she hates wasabi. [4]
  • Her preferred type is Kabane. [5]
  • She doesn't similar her ears being touched or else she will bite one's fingers off. Kabane is the exception.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Kemono Jihen Manga: Volume three.
  2. two.0 ii.ane 2.two 2.three Kemono Jihen Manga: Chapter iv.
  3. Kemono Jihen Manga: Volume 5.
  4. Kemono Jihen Manga: Volume 6.
  5. Kemono Jihen Manga: Volume 10.

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Anime Girl Blonde Hair Blue Eyes Hoodie

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